Body Wellness - Natural Help For Urinary Incontinence

Body wellness incorporates so many facets of the human body. And urinary incontinence, a subject that is seldom discussed, is absolutely a sign that all is not well with our bodies.

According to the World Health Organization data base, approximately 1 in 7 women worldwide suffer from urinary incontinence. And it begs the question, if the incidence of this affliction is so high, why is it that we do not hear more about it? Why is there not more information about ways to address this problem naturally to preserve our body wellness.

Sure we have all seen the odd advertisement about pharmaceutical drugs that are supposed to relieve incontinence. And then there are the advertisements for adult diapers. But have you ever seen an ad for natural help? Besides, everyone in the ads that I have seen are pretty old, leading one to associate urinary incontinence with old age.

While I was sitting in the waiting room for my Physical Therapy appointment recently, I picked up a pamphlet which talked about urinary incontinence in women.

I learned that many women who suffer from urinary incontinence never seek help or advice due to denial, embarrassment or a lack of understanding. I am also supposing that with the prevalence of feminine care products, it is easier for women to hide or deny that there is a problem. And if there is a problem, it is one that can easily hidden.

Ladies - for your information, you may have a problem if any of these symptoms present themselves:

1. Leakage when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising 
2. Leakage when moving from sitting to standing or when walking quickly 
3. Not making it to the bathroom in time, following a sudden, strong urge to urinate

Any of these signs may signal incontinence and although these symptoms may be common, they are absolutely not normal. Once any of these signs present themselves, please see a medical professional immediately. If you act quickly, there may be a good chance that you can forgo drug therapy or surgery in favor of working with a Physical Therapist trained in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

There is natural help out there ladies and total body wellness is where it's at! Once your medical professional has ruled out any underlying causes for your urinary incontinence you may want to consider natural alternatives. The Women's Health American Physical Therapy Association will be able to provide you with the name of a qualified therapist in your area.
