The Thymus Gland's Role in Body Wellness

Are any of you familiar with the Thymus Gland? It is located in our upper chest behind the breast bone. When we automatically slap our chest with our open palm in a moment of surprise, we are actually stimulating our Thymus Gland. But let us take a look at how this gland is tied to body wellness.

For many years scientists thought that the Thymus Gland served no function in adults. I know that sounds wrong because to my knowledge, organs and glands usually fulfill their own unique purpose. And the proper functioning of organs, glands and everything else helps to create body wellness.

What we do know now is that the Thymus Gland shrinks rapidly during times of serious illness or stress. And that if one were to conduct an autopsy of say a 50 year old healthy woman who died suddenly, say in a car crash, her Thymus would be much larger than the Thymus of a woman of the same age who died of a chronic degenerative disease.

According to John Diamond, M.D. in his book Your Body Doesn't Lie evidence accumulated over the past 30 years on the Thymus Gland's role in immunology is overwhelming. In cases where the Thymus has been destroyed or removed our body wellness is compromised because we become less effective in fighting infection and disease.

According to Patricia Ann Hellinger, natural healing lecturer, counselor and author of Hiatal Hernia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

"If the gland is not performing 100 % of its full capacity: It will cause the whole body to fall to illness, fatigue, and disease."

Is it possible to strengthen and support the Thymus? According to Carson B. Burgstiner, M.D in his work on Thymus support protocol, he recommends " a healthy diet, rest, water, exercise and learning to manage stress effectively is key to a well functioning Thymus. In addition, taking supplements like Vitamins C and E, beta carotene and selenium help to protect the Thymus from free radical damage."

The Thymus gland appears to be a significant link in the functioning of our immune system and to our overall body wellness.
